Op 31 maart 2017 ben ik begonnen met het bijhouden van alle films die ik heb gezien. Hierbij maak ik nooit onderscheid tussen speelfilms, documentaires en korte films. Elke film die ik heb gezien, noteer ik sinds deze datum in mijn (jaarlijks terugkerende) Film Journal. Toen ik in 2017 begon met het noteren van de films die ik zag, hield ik de beoordelingen of sterren die ik de films gaf, amper bij.
In 2018 kwam hier verandering in. Deze verandering zette zich ook voort in mijn Film Journal van 2019. In mijn Film Journal van 2019 zul je dus ook een beoordeling vinden naast de gekeken films. Met deze reeks artikelen wil ik mijn lezers een kijkje geven in mijn kijkgeschiedenis. Sinds ik ben begonnen met het bijhouden van mijn gekeken films, heb ik in 2019 voor het eerst meer dan honderd films gekeken. Zo noteerde ik in mijn Film Journal van 2019 uiteindelijk 133 films.
De films van mijn Film Journal van 2019
Nummer | Datum | Titel film | Jaartal | Minuten | Rating |
1 | 01-01-2019 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone | 2001 | 152 | 3.5 |
2 | 03-01-2019 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | 2005 | 157 | 3.5 |
3 | 05-01-2019 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 2007 | 138 | 4 |
4 | 11-01-2019 | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | 2016 | 133 | 2.5 |
5 | 20-01-2019 | The Emperor’s New Groove | 2000 | 78 | 3.5 |
6 | 26-01-2019 | Aquaman | 2018 | 143 | 2.5 |
7 | 31-01-2019 | Paddington | 2014 | 95 | 5 |
8 | 01-02-2019 | The LEGO Batman Movie | 2017 | 104 | 4 |
9 | 22-02-2019 | How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World | 2019 | 104 | 4.5 |
10 | 26-02-2019 | Glass | 2019 | 129 | 4.5 |
11 | 09-03-2019 | Captain Marvel | 2019 | 124 | 3.5 |
12 | 16-03-2019 | Triple Frontier | 2019 | 125 | 3 |
13 | 20-03-2019 | Rocky | 1976 | 119 | 4.5 |
14 | 25-03-2019 | Shazam! | 2019 | 132 | 3 |
15 | 26-03-2019 | Us | 2019 | 121 | 5 |
16 | 02-04-2019 | Iron Man | 2008 | 126 | 5 |
17 | 06-04-2019 | First Man | 2018 | 141 | 5 |
18 | 08-04-2019 | Dumbo | 2019 | 112 | 1.5 |
19 | 12-04-2019 | Cold War | 2018 | 90 | 4.5 |
20 | 13-04-2019 | Suspiria | 2019 | 152 | 1.5 |
21 | 15-04-2019 | Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion | 2018 | 85 | 3.5 |
22 | 16-04-2019 | The Nutcracker and the Four Realms | 2018 | 100 | 2 |
23 | 23-04-2019 | Avengers: Endgame | 2019 | 181 | 5 |
24 | 26-04-2019 | Romancing the Stone | 1984 | 106 | 3.5 |
25 | 04-05-2019 | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse | 2018 | 116 | 5 |
26 | 07-05-2019 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | 2009 | 153 | 3 |
27 | 08-05-2019 | Pokémon: Detective Pikachu | 2019 | 104 | 4 |
28 | 11-05-2019 | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | 1984 | 118 | 3.5 |
29 | 28-05-2019 | Bumblebee | 2018 | 114 | 4 |
30 | 31-05-2019 | The Favourite | 2018 | 120 | 5 |
31 | 06-06-2019 | X-Men: Dark Phoenix | 2019 | 114 | 2 |
32 | 08-06-2019 | Elle Fanning’s Fan Fantasy | 2017 | 2 | 3.5 |
33 | 09-06-2019 | Rocketman | 2019 | 121 | 5 |
34 | 12-06-2019 | The Mule | 2018 | 117 | 2.5 |
35 | 17-06-2019 | Mary Poppins | 1964 | 139 | 4.5 |
36 | 18-06-2019 | Mary Poppins Returns | 2018 | 130 | 3 |
37 | 19-06-2019 | Kick-Ass | 2010 | 117 | 4 |
38 | 20-06-2019 | Yesterday | 2019 | 117 | 4 |
39 | 20-06-2019 | Ralph Breaks the Internet | 2018 | 112 | 4 |
40 | 25-06-2019 | Batman | 1989 | 126 | 4 |
41 | 28-06-2019 | John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum | 2019 | 131 | 3 |
42 | 30-06-2019 | Toy Story | 1995 | 81 | 5 |
43 | 01-07-2019 | The Cat Concerto | 1947 | 7 | 4.5 |
44 | 01-07-2019 | Solid Serenade | 1946 | 7 | 3.5 |
45 | 01-07-2019 | Cat Fishin’ | 1947 | 8 | 4 |
46 | 01-07-2019 | Part Time Pal | 1947 | 8 | 3.5 |
47 | 01-07-2019 | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse | 1947 | 8 | 3.5 |
48 | 01-07-2019 | Salt Water Tabby | 1947 | 8 | 3.5 |
49 | 02-07-2019 | Toy Story 4 | 2019 | 110 | 5 |
50 | 03-07-2019 | Spider-Man: Far From Home | 2019 | 130 | 3.5 |
51 | 06-07-2019 | Rocky | 1976 | 119 | 4.5 |
52 | 07-07-2019 | Creed | 2015 | 133 | 5 |
53 | 09-07-2019 | Creed II | 2018 | 130 | 3.5 |
54 | 11-07-2019 | The Lion King | 2019 | 118 | 1.5 |
55 | 12-07-2019 | Lazzaro Felice | 2018 | 125 | 3.5 |
56 | 24-07-2019 | Reservoir Dogs | 1992 | 99 | 4.5 |
57 | 29-07-2019 | The Possession of Hannah Grace | 2018 | 86 | 1 |
58 | 05-08-2019 | The LEGO Movie | 2014 | 100 | 5 |
59 | 06-08-2019 | Aladdin | 2019 | 128 | 1.5 |
60 | 10-08-2019 | Harry Potters and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 | 2010 | 146 | 3 |
61 | 12-08-2019 | Pulp Fiction | 1994 | 149 | 5 |
62 | 13-08-2019 | Midsommar | 2019 | 171 | 2.5 |
63 | 15-08-2019 | The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part | 2019 | 107 | 3.5 |
64 | 15-08-2019 | Star Trek Into Darkness | 2013 | 132 | 3 |
65 | 17-08-2019 | Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood | 2019 | 160 | 4 |
66 | 24-08-2019 | Snatch | 2000 | 104 | 4.5 |
67 | 25-08-2019 | Unbreakable | 2000 | 106 | 5 |
68 | 02-09-2019 | The Matrix | 1999 | 136 | 4.5 |
69 | 03-09-2019 | Instant Family | 2018 | 119 | 3 |
70 | 04-09-2019 | Mary: Queen of Scots | 2018 | 124 | 2.5 |
71 | 05-09-2019 | Werk Ohne Autor | 2018 | 189 | 4.5 |
72 | 06-09-2019 | Us | 2019 | 121 | 4.5 |
73 | 08-09-2019 | Anomalisa | 2015 | 91 | 3.5 |
74 | 08-09-2019 | Green Book | 2018 | 130 | 2 |
75 | 10-09-2019 | Monty Python and the Holy Grail | 1975 | 91 | 4 |
76 | 12-09-2019 | No Service | 2013 | 5 | 3 |
77 | 12-09-2019 | Croissant de Triomphe | 2013 | 4 | 3.5 |
78 | 13-09-2019 | Yodelberg | 2013 | 4 | 4 |
79 | 13-09-2019 | Monty Python’s Life of Brian | 1979 | 94 | 3.5 |
80 | 13-09-2019 | New York Weenie | 2013 | 5 | 4.5 |
81 | 14-09-2019 | Tokyo Go | 2013 | 4 | 4 |
82 | 14-09-2019 | Stayin’ Cool | 2013 | 5 | 4 |
83 | 14-09-2019 | Gasp! | 2013 | 5 | 3.5 |
84 | 14-09-2019 | Panda-monium | 2013 | 5 | 3 |
85 | 14-09-2019 | Bad Ear Day | 2013 | 5 | 5 |
86 | 14-09-2019 | Ghoul Friend | 2013 | 5 | 4.5 |
87 | 14-09-2019 | Dog Show | 2013 | 5 | 3.5 |
88 | 15-09-2019 | ‘O Sole Minnie | 2013 | 4 | 3 |
89 | 15-09-2019 | Potatoland | 2013 | 7 | 5 |
90 | 15-09-2019 | Kung Fu Panda | 2008 | 92 | 4 |
91 | 15-09-2019 | Sleepwalkin’ | 2013 | 5 | 4 |
92 | 15-09-2019 | Flipperboobotosis | 2013 | 5 | 4 |
93 | 15-09-2019 | Tapped Out | 2014 | 5 | 3.5 |
94 | 15-09-2019 | Third Wheel | 2014 | 5 | 3 |
95 | 15-09-2019 | The Adorable Couple | 2014 | 5 | 3 |
96 | 15-09-2019 | O Futebol Clássico | 2014 | 4 | 3 |
97 | 16-09-2019 | Battle at Big Rock | 2019 | 8 | 3.5 |
98 | 16-09-2019 | Cable Car Chaos | 2014 | 5 | 3.5 |
99 | 16-09-2019 | Fire Escape | 2014 | 5 | 4 |
100 | 16-09-2019 | Eau de Minnie | 2014 | 5 | 3 |
101 | 16-09-2019 | The Muppet Movie | 1979 | 97 | 4.5 |
102 | 17-09-2019 | Down the Hatch | 2014 | 5 | 4 |
103 | 17-09-2019 | Goofy’s Grandma | 2014 | 5 | 3 |
104 | 17-09-2019 | If Beale Street Could Talk | 2018 | 117 | 4.5 |
105 | 17-09-2019 | Captain Donald | 2018 | 5 | 4 |
106 | 17-09-2019 | DuckTales: The Movie – Treasure of the Lost Lamp | 1990 | 74 | 3.5 |
107 | 18-09-2019 | Mumbai Madness | 2014 | 4 | 4 |
108 | 18-09-2019 | The Boiler Room | 2014 | 5 | 3 |
109 | 19-09-2019 | Space Walkies | 2014 | 5 | 3.5 |
110 | 20-09-2019 | Ad Astra | 2019 | 124 | 5 |
111 | 27-09-2019 | Joker | 2019 | 122 | 4 |
112 | 28-09-2019 | Loving Vincent | 2017 | 95 | 4 |
113 | 18-10-2019 | Joker | 2019 | 122 | 4 |
114 | 24-10-2019 | Land of the Lost | 2009 | 102 | 2.5 |
115 | 05-11-2019 | Toy Story 2 | 1999 | 92 | 4.5 |
116 | 06-11-2019 | Vice | 2018 | 132 | 4.5 |
117 | 09-11-2019 | Hellboy | 2019 | 121 | 1.5 |
118 | 13-11-2019 | Split | 2016 | 117 | 4 |
119 | 14-11-2019 | Glass | 2019 | 129 | 4.5 |
120 | 17-11-2019 | White Boy Rick | 2018 | 116 | 3 |
121 | 23-11-2019 | Game Night | 2018 | 93 | 3.5 |
122 | 25-11-2019 | Lust for Life | 1956 | 122 | 5 |
123 | 06-12-2019 | The Nightmare Before Christmas | 1993 | 76 | 4 |
124 | 07-12-2019 | On the Basis of Sex | 2018 | 120 | 3 |
125 | 07-12-2019 | Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle | 2017 | 119 | 3.5 |
126 | 08-12-2019 | Jumanji: The Next Level | 2019 | 123 | 3.5 |
127 | 11-12-2019 | Frozen II | 2019 | 103 | 3 |
128 | 14-12-2019 | Love Actually | 2003 | 135 | 4 |
129 | 15-12-2019 | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | 2012 | 169 | 3 |
130 | 21-12-2019 | Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens | 2015 | 136 | 4 |
131 | 21-12-2019 | Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi | 2017 | 152 | 5 |
132 | 21-12-2019 | Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker | 2019 | 142 | 2.5 |
133 | 28-12-2019 | Midway | 2019 | 138 | 2.5 |
Wauw das een hele waslijst….veel zijn me bekend maar een heel deel niet….
Het is zeker een grote lijst haha 🙂 Sommige filmlijstjes van de jaren daarna zijn zelfs nog langer!